Collecting the semantic core

The semantic core is a table of key questions that describe the structure of your business – the site’s product catalog – and the search queries of users by which they can search for pages on your site.

Semantic core are lists of search queries that users enter in a search engine when they are looking for information. They can search for articles, products, services, content.

In semantics, all requests are grouped by clusters and distributed among potential pages.

Semantic core

How to use the semantic core?

A semantic core is necessary for your site. With the help of correctly compiled semantics, you will be able to:

  1. Create content
    • Prepare information for writing texts by a copywriter. Write the correct Title and Description for the pages of your site.
  2. Optimize the site
    • Equally distribute the weight of the pages according to the requests. Identify problems of overspam and cannibalization (repetition of keywords).
  3. Set context
    • Group queries on pages. Based on the collected keywords of competitors, study the structure, assortment of goods and services of your site. Cluster semantics on pages, generate keys for the blog. Collect keywords for AdWords search advertising (Ads).

Examples of sites for collecting semantic core

Promo site

Promo sites have a small number of product and service pages, a portfolio and a small question and answer section

Number of pages from 1 to 15

  • Collection of key requests
  • Selection of headers and metadata
  • Terms of use of the copywriter for website pages
Corporate site

Corporate sites include detailed server pages, cost calculators, and an extended blog.

Number of pages from 20 to 50

  • Collection of key requests
  • Clustering of information requests
  • Site structure
  • Selection of headers and metadata
  • Terms of reference for a copywriter for the services section
  • Terms of reference for a copywriter for a blog
Internet shop

Online stores have a huge number of product pages and catalog sections. Each page participates in the promotion.

Number of pages from 100 to 1000+

  • Collection of key requests
  • Selection of requests for landing pages
  • Selection of keywords
  • Directory structure for the site
  • Selection of headers and metadata
  • Terms of reference for a copywriter for a blog
  • Terms of reference for the programmer for the site directory

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FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions about Collecting the Semantic Core For a Website

If your question is not listed here, feel free to reach out to us for more detailed information.

A semantic core is a list of keywords and phrases that describe the subject matter of a website and are used to optimize content for user search queries.

To collect the semantic core for a website, you need to analyze competitors, research user queries, analyze search traffic metrics, and use special tools to collect and analyze data.

You can use various tools to collect semantic core data, such as Google Keyword Planner, Google Trends, SEMrush, Ahrefs,, Ubersuggest, and others.

When choosing keywords for the semantic core, you should take into account their relevance to the site’s topic, the volume of search traffic, the level of competition, seasonality, and commercial profitability.

The semantic core is used to optimize the content on a website by including keywords and phrases in titles, descriptions, texts, meta tags, alternative texts for images, and other page elements.