SEO Audit

A SEO audit is a comprehensive analytical process aimed at evaluating the effectiveness and visibility of your website in search engines, as well as determining its overall advantages for users. Our team of search engine optimization experts, known as SEObanda, thoroughly examines every aspect of your website to identify relevant opportunities for improvement. After the audit, you will receive a detailed report on the current state of your website with specific recommendations for addressing identified issues.


Types of audits we do for effective SEO promotion

Technical Audit
  • Conducting a comprehensive analysis of the website to identify technical errors.
  • Ensuring the functionality of modules and assessing loading speed.
Usability Audit
  • Analyzing successful competitors in the top 10, checking the relevance of existing content to key queries, and formulating tasks for creating new content.
Competitor Analysis
  • Investigating the internal and external strategies of successful competitors and developing technical tasks for content creation and external promotion.
Quick Audit

Why is website audit important?

A website audit is an integral part of a successful online business strategy. This comprehensive analysis of a web resource plays a crucial role in improving the website and achieving specific business goals. In the world of fierce online competition, an SEO online audit becomes an essential component of your business success. Here’s how an audit helps:

Increases visibility and attracts a target audience 

A SEO audit reveals errors and inconsistencies, contributing to improved rankings in search engines and attracting more relevant visitors.

Increases conversion and sales

Fixing technical, structural, and content-related issues increases the likelihood of turning visitors into customers and boosting profits.

Enhances user experience

Addressing usability issues makes the website more user-friendly, increasing customer satisfaction and audience retention.

Provides a competitive edge

Website analysis and optimization make your business more competitive, allowing you to surpass competitors and strengthen your market position.

Internal site audit steps for enhancing professionalism and visibility 

This audit helps optimize the site, improving its performance and visibility in search engines. Our internal site audit includes the following steps: 

  • Resolving multiple slash (“/”) issues: Preventing potential multiple slash errors.
  • Checking the Robots.txt file: Ensuring the correct composition of the robots.txt file to avoid exclusion of site pages from search engine indexing. 
  • Checking the Sitemap.xml file: Creating a Sitemap file that informs search engines about the importance and updates of site pages. 
  • Identifying 404 error pages: Ensuring the presence of a 404 error page in line with the site’s design. 
  • Assessing compliance of web design with technical recommendations: Evaluating how the site appears in various browsers and on different devices. 
  • Evaluating the correctness of using meta tags (Title, Description, H1). 
  • Analyzing internal site linking. 
  • Checking the informativeness of the contact page: Confirming the presence of necessary contact information. 
  • Assessing the technical accessibility of the site for mobile and desktop devices.
  • Analyzing server responses. 
  • Verifying the statistics system. 
  • Verifying microdata. 
  • Checking the favicon. 
  • Checking Open Graph microdata. 
  • Assessing server response speed. 
  • Identifying duplicate pages on the site. 
  • Verifying HTTPS protocol. 
  • Analyzing page indexing.

Key documents after the SEO audit

As a result of the SEO audit, you will receive a comprehensive report in a format that suits your needs, including:

Technical audit report:
  • Detailed description of identified errors.
  • Technical tasks for programmers with detailed instructions.
  • Technical tasks for content managers specifying necessary improvements.
Usability audit report:
  • Analysis of user experience-related issues.
  • Tasks for designers and developers with clear instructions.
Competitor analysis report with promotion strategy:
  • In-depth analysis of competitors and their methods.
  • Development of a promotion strategy.
  • Extraction of external links and competitor positions.

These documents will help you easily understand the audit results and implement recommendations without unnecessary difficulties.


Ready to optimize your website
for maximum efficiency?


If your question is not listed here, feel free to reach out to us for more detailed information.

The purpose and meaning of an SEO audit is to evaluate the performance and visibility of a website in search engines, identify opportunities for improvement, and provide specific recommendations. It plays a crucial role in improving the website and achieving business goals.

The main types of audits include technical audits, usability audits, competitor analysis and quick audits.

A website audit is important for an online business as it helps to increase visibility and target audience, increase conversion and sales, improve user experience and provide a competitive edge in the online market.