Topic selection for content planning

In today’s world, content determines success in the Internet space. The topics you choose for your content not only determine the audience’s interest, but also the effectiveness of your marketing strategy. Properly selected topics allow you to optimize content for search engines, attracting new visitors and keeping existing ones.

However, there is not always an infinite number of ideas for content, sometimes it happens that not a single thought just comes to mind. In this case, you should turn to specialists who will be able to qualitatively select topics specifically for your content plan.


Why is it important to choose the right topics for a content plan?

If you want to attract the attention of search engines and gain their trust, you need to regularly upload new, high-quality content to your website.This helps to increase the authority of your site among competitors. Also, thanks to this, the topics in your content plan will cover the areas of interest of your target audience in different ways.

Since the topics for the content plan are specific thematic areas or headings of the site that are planned to be created and published in a certain period of time, it can become an indisputable weapon in SEO optimization. Thanks to in-deep analysis of keywords that have a high search demand among users, we find topics that will interest your potential buyers.This contributes to a better ranking in search engines.

Why is a content plan the key to SEO?

A content plan is a key component of successful SEO, helping to align your content strategy with search engine algorithms, user needs, and business goals.

  • Target keywords and SEO optimization:
    • A content plan helps you identify target keywords that are important to your business or industry. By strategically including these keywords in your content, you can optimize your website for search engines, increasing the likelihood of appearing in relevant search results.
  • Constant creation of content according to the needs of the audience:
    • Search engines prefer websites that regularly publish fresh, relevant and high-quality content that answers user questions.
  • Internal linking improvements:
    • Planning your content in advance allows you to strategically include internal links. Which in turn help search engines understand the structure of your site and the relationship between different pages, contributing to better indexing.
  • Competitive advantage:
    • Regularly producing high-quality content that meets user intent and search engine requirements positions your site as an authoritative source in your industry.

How we select topics for the content plan – explained in 5 steps

SEObanda specialists select topics that build a positive brand reputation, which helps increase organic traffic. We have five key steps to ensure a strategic and organized approach to selecting topics for your content plan.

  1. Analysis of your site:
    • First, we conduct an audit of your existing content and check it for compliance with SEO requirements for further optimization.
  2. We define your goals and objectives:
    • Why are you creating content, what exactly do you want from your site? We will help you define your goals, and it doesn’t matter what they are: increasing organic traffic, increasing brand awareness, generating leads or improving customer engagement.
  3. We analyze your target audience and define keywords:
    • We identify the needs, preferences and concerns of your target audience through extensive keyword research related to your niche.
  4. Choosing a topic:
    • From all the received data, we select a certain set of topics for further grouping into a content plan. We also determine the format for submitting this content, whether it will be a blog page or a product description, etc.
  5. We adapt existing content topics or create new ones:
    • After all the discussions and audits, our professional copywriters start working on creating several variants of the topics according to the created TOR. We give structure to the text, add keywords to the definition and correct spelling errors. Our specialists work in different languages ​​(Ukrainian, English, Spanish and Italian) and in different directions.

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Determining the right topics requires audience research, competitor analysis, and consideration of topics that are relevant in your industry.

Updating the content plan depends on specific strategic goals, but in general it is recommended to update it regularly, focusing on changes in the industry and the needs of the audience.

Formats can include blog posts, landing pages, videos, infographics, product descriptions, and more, depending on your brand strategy.