What is Doorway and what is it eaten with?

Doorway is one of the methods of SEO promotion of sites, which may belong to the “white,” “gray,” or “black” SEO. It is the creation of the most optimized, but usually simple sites that are filled with optimized content and posted links to the main site. These resources often occupy high positions in the issuance and transmit the reference mass or traffic to another site.

15 April 2024
What is Doorway

Types of doorways and consequences of their use

White Doorways are high-quality sites that often provide useful information. For example, a bookstore creates a separate website with a short description of books (the first 5 pages). An interested person searches for the title of a book, gets to the site, reads the first 5 pages, and then clicks on the “Buy the full version of the book”  and is redirected to the main site, where customers are offered to buy the book. The main goal of this type of marketing is to bring in targeted visitors.

Types of doorways and consequences of their use

Gray hat Doorways – the main goal of such sites is to transfer the link mass to the main resource. On such sites, unique texts with a lot of links to the main site are created. If you make a lot of such doorways, they can significantly increase the main site’s rankings in search results.

Types of doorways and consequences of their use (1)

Black Doorways – this type of marketing is prohibited by Google, and if it sees such a site, it will immediately delete it. Such resources are a website with text containing a lot of simple key phrases generated automatically (this text can be on any topic related or unrelated to the subject of the site). Such resources have a direct redirect to the main site, and people cannot even see the content on the black-hat pages. You write a query “What is SEO”, click on the link, and you are redirected to a website that sells bread! Such sites only increase traffic to the main sites and have no usefulness, so Google often perceives them as spam and throws them into the block.

Types of doorways and consequences of their use (2)

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Recommendations for using Doorway

Sometimes White-hats and Gray-hats can be useful for websites, but it depends on the topic and specifics of the website. SEObanda advises SEO specialists to use more high-quality doorways, because the most important thing in a company is its reputation, and you shouldn’t make your site look low-quality . Moreover, the reputation of a website depends  on search engines.

So, when it comes to your website (your face), be careful not to step on the black rake. They can hurt your face.

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