What is hosting and why do you need it for your website?

Hosting is one of the first things to consider when creating a website. Regardless of whether you have a small blog, an online store, or a corporate website, the right choice of hosting can affect a large number of ranking factors. In this article, we will take a closer look at what hosting is, its types, advantages and disadvantages of each of them, and which one is better to choose.

12 June 2024
Serhii Shynhur
Sales Manager
«Reputation – the most important part of business!»

What is hosting? 

Hosting is a service that allows you to place websites on servers that are connected to the Internet, providing access to them for users anywhere in the world. When you create a website, all of its files (HTML, CSS, images, videos, etc.) must be saved on the server so that they can be viewed by other users. In other words, hosting is a place where your website is stored. Conventionally, when you buy hosting, you buy space on a large computer or on a cloud server. Let’s take a look at the types of hosting and it will become clearer to you.

Types of hosting

  1. Shared hosting:
    • Shared hosting is a hosting option where multiple websites are hosted on the same server. 
    • Advantages: affordable cost because it is shared by several users, ease of use, technical support.
    • Disadvantages: limited resources, possible performance problems due to the load on the server from other sites.
  2. Virtual private server (VPS):
    • A virtual private server is a single physical server that is divided into several virtual private servers. Each VPS has its own operating system and resources, which gives the user more freedom and control over their hosting compared to shared hosting. That is, it is a large conventional computer that can host several websites.
    • Advantages: More control over the server, flexibility, speed, security, and high performance.
    • Disadvantages: Higher price, need for technical knowledge to manage.
  3. Dedicated server:
    • A dedicated server is a type of hosting in which the user has full control over one physical server that belongs only to him and does not have to share it with other users.
    • Advantages: Full control over the server, maximum performance, high level of security.
    • Disadvantages: Very high price, the need for deep technical knowledge.
  4. Cloud hosting:
    • Cloud hosting is a hosting model where websites are hosted on a virtual environment. In cloud hosting, your website is not hosted on a single physical computer, but on an entire network, which ensures the reliability and availability of the site.
    • Advantages: Scalability, high availability.
    • Disadvantages: Can be more expensive for large projects.
  5. WordPress hosting:
    • WordPress hosting is this type of hosting that provides optimal performance and convenience for WordPress users because it has a specially customized environment that takes into account the features of this platform. It provides loading speeds, security, and support that are especially important for WordPress websites. This kind of hosting usually has built-in website management tools, applications, and resources, making it an ideal choice for WordPress site owners.
    • Advantages: Optimized for WordPress, ease of use, built-in optimization tools.
    • Disadvantages: Limited customization compared to shared hosting.

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How to choose a hosting?


There are several key criteria to consider when choosing a hosting service:

  1. Requirements and goals of your website: Before choosing a hosting service, you need to determine what requirements your website has. How much traffic do you expect? What features do you need (will databases, email, chat support, etc. be involved)?
  2. Hosting characteristics: check what resources are provided by the hosting company (bandwidth, disk space, number of databases, etc.) and whether they meet your needs. In other words, check whether the hosting can withstand the loads you plan to use.
  3. Reliability and speed: It’s important that your website is available 24/7 and has a high loading speed. Check out the ratings and reviews of each hosting service and decide if it’s right for you.
  4. User support: make sure that the hosting service provides high-quality and fast user support in case of problems and unforeseen situations.
  5. Price: You need to compare the cost of hosting plans and determine what features are included in the price. It’s not enough to just buy the cheapest or the most expensive hosting, look at the price/quality ratio.
  6. Cancellation and refunds: Before you pay, check the terms and conditions for cancellation and refunds if you decide to change hosting in the future. This can be a key moment when it comes to switching to another hosting service, so you need to think about it now to prevent problems.
  7. Ease of use: make sure that the hosting management interface is user-friendly and intuitive for you. Don’t make hosting your problem.

In general, choose the hosting that best suits your needs, budget, and the requirements of your project.

Why do you need hosting?

You need hosting to make your website accessible to other Internet users. Here are some key reasons why it is important:

  1. File storage: Did you think that all the images on your website are stored on your computer? In fact, hosting provides a place to store your site’s files (HTML page content, images, videos, and other media files).
  2. Accessibility: as mentioned earlier, hosting provides constant access to your website via the Internet. It makes it available to users from anywhere in the world 24/7.
  3. Performance: A quality hosting service can improve the performance of your website and ensure that pages load quickly and that your website runs efficiently.
  4. Email: Many hosting packages include the ability to set up a corporate email using your own domain. For example, your website is called “example.com” and you can create an email address “[email protected]”. It seems that this point does not play a role, but when a user sees mail with a corporate domain, the level of trust increases and he realizes that the company is serious about its work.
  5. Security: reputable hosting providers ensure the safety and protection of your website from cyber attacks and other problems on the Internet. This is a very important factor in this age of information and high technology.

So, with a quality hosting service, you can immediately protect your website from problems, make it visible to the masses, improve loading speed and optimization, store your files on the hosting and, as a nice bonus, create an email with a corporate domain.


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Choosing a hosting service is a very important element of website development that affects many different factors, from file storage to security. There are several types of hosting. Shared hosting is a type of hosting where several websites are hosted on one physical server. Cloud hosting is when your website is stored not on one computer, but on a network of different physical media (a virtual cloud). And other types of hosting. To choose the right one, you need to analyze your website’s needs, budgets, and general requirements, and only then buy the appropriate web hosting. If you want to create a high-quality website with interesting content, unique design, and place it on the right domain, contact SEObanda, specialists in this field.

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