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What are keywords and how to use them?

What are keywords and how to use them?

Keywords or phrases are individual words or combinations of words that users enter into search engines to find the information they need.

Design Development SEO
How to transfer a website to another hosting

How to transfer a website to another hosting

Moving a website to a new hosting may seem like a complicated and confusing task, but it is actually quite simple if you follow some basic steps. If...

Design Development SEO
What is a URL and how to form it correctly

What is a URL and how to form it correctly

A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a unique name for any resource (page, image, video, etc.) on the Internet.

Design Development SEO
Why EEAT matters to the success of your website

Why EEAT matters to the success of your website

EEAT (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) is a concept used by Google to assess the quality of content. It is a part of...

Design Development SEO
How to choose the perfect domain name for your website

How to choose the perfect domain name for your website

Every website owner tries to take the highest positions in search results in order to increase brand awareness and improve sales of goods and...

Design Development SEO
What is relevance and how does it affect online search?

What is relevance and how does it affect online search?

Relevance is a match. It is an indicator of how well the search results match the user's query. A relevant text or website is one that fully meets...

Design Development SEO
Effective methods of business promotion on the Internet

Effective methods of business promotion on the Internet

Effective methods of business promotion on the Internet come to the fore for creating successful marketing strategies.

Design Development SEO
Responsive design: why is it necessary in the age of gadgets?

Responsive design: why is it necessary in the age of gadgets?

Responsive design in the 21st century is a basic thing for any website. People are so used to having everything done for them that they have...

Design Development SEO
What is a domain and why is it needed

What is a domain and why is it needed

A domain is the name of your website on the Internet. It's the first thing users pay attention to, and if it catches people's eye, they will remember...

Design Development SEO